"My favorite Roald Dahl movie is still The Witches. Excellent list!"

"Sadly, I've yet to see a truly good video game to movie adaptation."

"I'm only including shows that ran after Firefly was canceled. Angel being canceled had more to do with Fox screwing Joss Whedon over than the appearance of the other Firefly cast members. I wish I co"

"Excellent list. I like the distinction between the Big Bad and Little Bad."

"Love this list and the analysis. I don't know if I would classify Anders as indifferent. I don't think he would have led the rebel forces or started training to be a pilot if he's indifferent. "

"Thanks for the suggestions. I had completely forgotten about Torchwood and the assortment of aliens. "

"Love this list! I think there were more lines of everyone talking about Wierzbowski than he had lines."

"Thanks you guys for the wonderful suggestions! I'll definitely have my hands full."

"Excellent list! Kudos to everyone who contributed."

"Thanks for the suggestions. These are some great ones."

"Tintin is a young reporter who goes around having adventures. The comics are set in the 1920 - 1930 period and is full of action and humor. I loved these comics as child and even from time to time fin"

"Just the name alone, "King Midas" makes me shudder. The Ninth Gate is totally pointless - that's two hours of my life I wish I could get back."